Wednesday, July 4, 2007

6/27/07 meeting agenda

Pioneer Park Neighborhood Meeting


We are a group of residents that are meeting to discuss and carry out plans to utilize the beautiful park that has been preserved in our neighborhood, as well as ensure the continued support of city and state officials in our goal. We are non partisan in nature, and do not wish to limit the use of the park to any law abiding citizen.

Rules of the game for meetings:

Everyone who wants to comment or contribute an idea will be allowed 1 at a time. No complaining allowed-just ideas of how to make it better and improve our space and move forward!


  1. Review current plans for Stage 1, 2, 3 and discuss

  2. What can we, as a community do to ensure that the improvements do happen....what is our role and responsibility?

  3. What is our vision for the park? What changes do we see as necessary for the park's success?

  4. Suggestions for weekly/monthly/yearly activities for our neighborhood utilizing the park

  5. Illegal actives....what can we do? How can we feel safe? What is currently being done?

  6. Committee to keep residents and businesses up to date on progress/activities as well as making our voices heard to the city and state leaders.

  7. Committee to plan and carry out activities

  8. Plan our first activity!

  9. Questions/Comments

  10. Physical walk through our park.


SLC Police: 799-3000 or 911 for emergencies

Nancy Saxton District 4 representative-801-535-7600

Mayor's office



(801) 535-7704