Who is the beautiful and talented woman that graciously agreed to be photographed with me?(yes I am shameless....and a groupie....I admit it....but I just can't help it-she is fabulous in so many ways)
None other than Terry Gross from NPR's Fresh Air
I went to listen to her presentation put on by our wonderful KUER(yes Doug Fabrisio was there....yes he looked...and sounded and I didn't get close enough but I am sure smelled amazing as always)
ANYWAY, moving back to Terry.....she took my breath away! She spoke of how she has deliberately and sometimes not so gracefully made her way through her career(once she finally "fell in love with everything about" public radio)
Her character, insight, patience and tenacity are so....well-empowering.
As it happens my father in law had a "backstage pass" to the event and gave the ticket to us.....When we got to meet and shake hands with Terry we both were nervous and a little star struck(yes it's public radio.....but going to these things is the equivalent of going to Sundance for other people to me)
I managed to squeek out what a huge fan I was Doug had the presence of mind to ask her who her choice was for the next president(she declined to answer-journalist/listener confidentiality) I'm pretty sure she thought I was nuts, but I proved it when I invited her to view this blog(which I am sure she will not....scratch that I am hoping that she won't) since I forgot momentarilly....I am not a writer and blogs....yea they are better when the person writing is actually somewhat talented in this area....not just rambling....................................................................................................
at any rate here we are--thanks KUER and Terry for a wonderful evening!
PS Terry Gross is today's SLC Fashion speciman....she looked absolutly fab in her silver and black jacket....it was the perfect cut and an classic example of a sexy, classic yet professional way to dress!